Lou Cigaloun

Double room with separate bathroom. Private access to accommodation, private parking.
Access to swimming pool shared with owners in season.

Accommodation information

Type of accommodation

Room in a private home


Maximum possible capacity

2 people

Number of rooms

1 room

Number of double beds

1 bed


15 m²

Number of toilets

1 toilet

Number of rooms

1 room


From 01/01 to 31/12.


Room 55€ per night
Minimum 2 nights.

Additional services


  • Garden room
  • Shady grounds
  • Terrace
  • Fenced communal grounds
  • Car park
  • Separate entrance
  • Garden
  • semi-detached with owner's house
  • Swimming pool
  • On the same level
  • Shared garden
  • Open air swimming pool


  • No-smoking
  • Heating
  • Wi-fi
  • 140 cm bed
  • Private WC
  • Double glazing
  • Shower
  • Sheets and towels included
  • Fridge
  • Hair dryer
  • Television
  • 1 shower room
  • Sound-proofed accommodation
  • Kettle
  • Fan
  • Towel included


Spoken languages

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French

Documentation languages

  • French

Pets welcome

Accepted animals


3 Chemin du Bassin
13116 Vernègues

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